Being such a new developing country, I believe we have been able to learn from others and therefore have established a society where anyone can create success for themselves. Equal opportunities arise if we are willing to commit.
One of the problems in all this is that Australians seem to react to situations like that of an only child. We have been nurtured by our government and expect nothing less and in doing so created a heavily law enforced, angry and frustrated society limiting us of our once prided freedom. With each rule that has been enforced, another one is added, more laws equal more expense. What does this all mean?
From talking amongst travelers who have visited Australia, they first of all say how beautiful our country is and how friendly we all are, immediately followed by how expensive it is and the lack of entertainment, that is freely accessible.
This is concerning to me in terms of our relationship between countries for the future. Are we are somewhat limiting our potential due to a culture driven by mass consumers. We live in a country were the every day person wants one of everything.
We have been gifted with a special place in the world. I think those values of freedom that we have all been drummed into believing is slowly being taken away from us. Individuality seems to be fostered for non profit, creativity appreciated but not of monetary worth. For us to compete with the ever increasing Asian markets innovation and uniqueness is of the up most importance. What can we bring as a nation to the world.
good call on the innovation and uniqueness. mediocrity and conformity are swallowing us up!!