
The powerpoint dilema

In the last 15 or so years, people started replacing articles and diagrams with powerpoint presentations riddled with bullet points, geared purely towards the speakers knowledge of the topic. The problem is one which we as students can all relate to. No detailed analysis or consise documentation. In result creates misunderstandingmisinterpretation, miscommunication.

How could this be done better?
Virtually may hold the answer, recorded live speeches and presentations which not only captures the tone but also the body language of the speaker which when reflected to that of an actor is just as important.

Could then this ideal be represented somehow in a government department for users to freely visit to obtain a better understanding of unclear topics.

POWERPOINT, your cruel reign is over. You're too boring - even for Switzerland

A Swiss political party, the Anti-PowerPoint movement, wants to ban the presentation software for the good of man kind.
According to the party's founder, Matthias Poehm, PowerPoint teaches people very little and actually alienates audiences from the presentation.
“The fact is that the average PowerPoint presentation creates boredom," he says on his website.
Mr Poehm believes too many workplaces rely on PowerPoint presentations instead of talking to their employees.
"Companies, conferences, schools, universities should no longer have to justify using PowerPoint," he says.
Mr Poehm estimates that Switzerland could save up to 350 billion euros ($479 billion) a year by banishing the software and going retro.
Flip charts – a whiteboard with a pad and paper fixed to it – are "not only much more emotional, but also much more pleasant and more interesting to watch", he says.
The Anti-PowerPoint Party needs 10,000 petition signatures in order to run candidates in the next election. So far only 300 people have signed up to the cause.
So it seems that, for the time being, Switzerland will remain PowerPoint-neutral.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/technology/swiss-political-party-wants-to-ban-powerpoint-presentations-from-public-speaking/story-e6frfro0-1226124179378#ixzz1Wty6FtPX

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