
RANT (girlfriend)

As an ex public servant I see so much injustice in our government public service system. Having worked in four governments departments and seeing my friends and family work in numerous other departments, the disparity in pay packets between hard working private sector employees and unproductive public servants really shows how much of taxpayers dollars are being wasted by the government. 

The problem also has nothing to do with the party in power. It's the APS (Australian Public Service) culture that has a unproductive, unaccountable disease. The amount of money is wasted on public servants that have very little work to do is shocking. People from outside Canberra and the APS system would have no idea just how very little work is being done for pay packets 30 - 40% higher than salaries in the private sector. 

Some may say if you can't beat them then why don't you join them, but the fact of getting up everyday to do 7.5 hrs of no work or looking like doing work is just depressing and the main reason why I have given up a fat pay packet. To be a productive member of society. That is exactly what I have done, lowered my pay considerably, worked my butt off, but now get the satisfaction of being a productive member of society. 

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